Urrao Community Lot
Our seasonal coffees each come with their own story, which is part of what makes them so special. Here we take a closer look at the producers behind this coffee.
The Farm
In the southwest of the prominent coffee-producing region of Antioquia, is the department of Urrao.
The area includes two fertile valleys and the rushing Penderisco River.
Urrao is prominently agricultural land, providing vegetables for Medellín. The fertile lands and high altitudes make this an ideal area to also grow coffee and lately, avocados. There is also the well-known Paramo del So in Urrao, a protected highland ecosystem in

The Facts
Varietal: Caturra and Colombia
Processing: Fully Washed
Altitude: 2,050m

Harvesting & Processing
This lot is comprised of coffee from 20 producers in Urrao, who each harvest and process their own coffee.
After hand-picking the cherries, producers will wash the coffee, de-pulp, and conduct a mixed three-day fermentation to breakdown the external mucilage. After fermentation, the coffee is dried in the open sun, with a plastic covering to protect the beans from any rain or moisture. Once the ideal moisture content is reached,
the coffee is bagged and sent to Pergamino’s dry mill in Medellín to be hulled and prepared for export.